Explore The VAST 6th Trumpet & 2nd Woe – Home Page!

The 6th Trumpet's MASSIVE SIZE spans 3 Chapters!

The Sixth Trumpet’s MASSIVE SIZE spans 3 Chapters!

The Sixth Trumpet & 2nd Woe Starts at Revelation  9:13 & Ends at Revelation  11:14!
That means it covers or spans 3 chapters! – Half of Chapter 9, all of 10 & 1/2 of Chapter 11!
The size or space allocation YHWH gives to the Sixth Trumpet, within the 22 Chapters of Revelation, communicates it’s importance!
YHWH gives more space or Biblical real-estate to the Sixth Trumpet than He gives to all 7 Bowls of Wrath which are contained in just one chapter at Revelation 16. 
There is something very special and significant about the Vast 6th Trumpet & 2nd Woe!

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6th Trumpet - REPEATED TIME PERIOD of 3.5 years built within!

Sixth Trumpet – REPEATED TIME PERIOD of 3.5 years built within!

The Sixth Trumpet & 2nd Woe is the only Seal, Trumpet or Bowl
that God has placed a REPEATED TIME PERIOD
of 42 Months or 1,260 Days at Rev 11:2, 3!
He repeats it twice in case we didn’t catch it the 1st time!
➥ Can you guess the obvious place the Great Tribulation of 3.5 years fits into the 7 Trumpets??? (Daniel 9:27, 12:11)
➥ Can you guess the obvious place the Beast conquers saints for 42 months fits into the 7 Trumpets? (Rev 13:5-7)
➥ Can you guess the obvious place the little horn defeats the saints fits into the 7 Trumpets? (Daniel 7:25)
That’s right, right here in the Sixth Trumpet & 2nd Woe!

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6th Trumpet

The Vast 6th Trumpet Links:

Spans 3 Chapters!
3.5 Years Built Within!
Choose a part you would like to explore:

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6th Trumpet

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6th Trumpet
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  1. The 6th Trumpet does not include the Witnesses or Trampling of Jerusalem – one would expect to find a second witness to this version of an end times timeline but in reality Zechariah 12-13 makes it clear that the Rapture occurs BEFORE Jerusalem is attacked and conquered.

    The sixth trumpet narrative does not include the tangent details of the Gentiles and two witnesses – they are clearly segregated by subject changes.

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