Understand 3.5 Years – 1260 Days – 42 Months in Revelation & Daniel!
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3 ½ Years Occurs 5x’s in Revelation!
The 5x’s are clustered together in 3 consecutive chapters of Revelation ch 11,12 & 13.
Don’t Be Confused!
It’s ALL the same amount of time expressed in different ways!
3 ½ Years = 1,260 Days = 42 Months = Time times and a half of time!
3 ½ Years x 2 = 7
➥ Revelation ch 11:1-2
“Then I was given a measuring rod like a staff, and I was told, “Rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and those who worship there, 2 but do not measure the court outside the temple; leave that out, for it is given over to the nations, and they will trample the holy city for forty-two months.”
more 6th Trumpet?
➥ Revelation ch 11:3
3 And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”
more 6th Trumpet?
➥ Revelation ch 12:6
6 and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days.
more on Revelation ch 12?
➥ Revelation ch 12:14
14 But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle so that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to the place where she is to be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time.
more on Revelation ch 12?
➥ Revelation ch 13:5,7
5 And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months.
7 Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation
more on Beast, Image & Mark of Rev Ch 13?
6th Trumpet – REPEATED TIME PERIOD of 3.5 years built within!
The 6th Trumpet & 2nd Woe is the only Seal, Trumpet or Bowl
that God has placed a REPEATED TIME PERIOD
of forty-two Months or 1,260 Days at Revelation ch 11:2, 3!
He repeats it twice in case we didn’t catch it the 1st time!
➥ Can you guess the obvious place the Great Tribulation of 3.5 years fits into the 7 Trumpets??? (Daniel 9:27, 12:11)
➥ Can you guess the obvious place the Beast conquers saints for forty-two months fits into the 7 Trumpets? (Rev 13:5-7)
➥ Can you guess the obvious place the little horn defeats the saints fits into the 7 Trumpets? (Daniel 7:25)
That’s right, in the 6th Trumpet & 2nd Woe of Revelation!
3.5 Years Occurs 2 Times in Daniel
Daniel also mentions the same 3.5 years at Daniel 7:25
➥Daniel 7:25
He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.
Daniel also mentions 7 years or a “week” where in the middle of the “week” or 3.5 years the abomination of desolation appears.
➥ Daniel 9:27
And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator.”
Understanding a Time Times and a half a time
Understanding a “time, times & a ½ of time”
1 Time = 360 days or 1 year on God’s Calendar.
This is the same amount of degrees in a circle.
Here is the calculation:
Time =………… = 1 year or 360 days
Times (plural) = 2 years or 720 days
½ Time =…….. = ½ year or 180 days
Total = ………= 3.5 years or 1,260 days.
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If you would like to discuss the Book of Revelation further, please contact Chris Campbell @ +1 (504) 723-2802 or email emc2csc@aol.com
He’s wrong. The tribulation will be 3.5 years and not 7. I’m not sure why he multiples this.
We are in Rev. 12:3-5 with the stars (comet) moving through the tail of the dragon. It will be closest to Earth on Feb 2. So, we are quite close to the start of the Great Tribulation, then, it seems.
The Bible is not literal. Jesus preached for 3.5 years. He started when he was 30 and died at 33.5 years old. The new moon moon begins every 30 days so Jesus the Christ is born inside you and you shall not sin against your body which is sexual desire for 3.5 years until Christ rises within. Gods plan is to convert mankind into Christ. Mathew 10 for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
no, that’s new age lies from satan.
How can you be sure? Perhaps you have been brainwashed by your church. I know how churches indoctrinate people, and all say the same thing. This is the truth, and everyone else is wrong. They repeat these claims until they believe it themselves. With no real proof. Now homosexuality is wrong on so many levels, so is this whole LGBTQ+ agenda they push on everyone. That is easy to prove. If the Universe or Source of all creation wanted you to be a man then it would have made you one at birth, and vice versa. Also two men or two women can’t create a child through sex with each other. Hermaphrodites being an exception, occasionally. I think those genetic mutations are new, because of pollution, from the satanic devolution, falsely known as the industrial revolution. Greed has caused cancer. Dumping chemicals to save the money it cost to dispose of them properly. And the fact that it’s curable, but the cancer business is big, and a patient cured is a customer lost. I personally have had omens signs pointing to Biblical truths. Still how can we be sure the original writing have been properly translated or not edited to suit the Vatican. Who by the way owns the world. They also worship Lucifer as the son of Christ. But like the first comment said, God wants us all to become like Christ. The direct bloodline, even if Yeshua had a child, doesn’t matter. It is our spirit that matters. Also revelations calls Jesus the bright and shining morning star. Another name for Lucifer. So are they one and the same? Are we all one and the same fighting ourselves? I believe so. Two sides of the same coin, fighting over who is up and who is down. That coin when flipped such as at birth, could go either way. Yin and yang ☯️ ,light and dark, hot and cold, up and down, right and left, male and female. There is polarity to everything in this Universe. Who can say for certain what is right or wrong. It’s the circle of life and we are all here to get in harmony with each other and ourselves. Until we are perfected and return to the source of all life. We are here to put in order what was chaos in our minds, the whole universe can fit in our head, because it is in our head. Not to cause chaos, so we can enforce our own order, our own opinions and wills upon others forcefully. Omen in Hebrew is the masculine word form for true faithfulness, by the way.
Hi Chris: Good points! Regarding authenticity of the scriptures:
You can be SURE of the translations because they compare favorably with the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Oh, but it surely has proved itself as such.
Lol..what a moronic statement ” The Bible is not literal.” And then follow up by arguing for a Biblical literalness by writing…:Jesus preached for 3.5 years.
People who are commenting sure don’t know their Bible. Where did 7 years come from? From Daniel 9. The 70 weeks shows that there is one week left to come. Each week is a week of years. Therefore, 7 years.
But know (and this is the important point), the tribulation and the 7 years have nothing to do with the Church. It is all centered on God’s chosen nation – Israel. The tribulation is the final testing for the Jewish people. If you don’t realize this, you will be brainwashed along with everyone else to hate the Jews and actually try to kill them. This is already in most churches where they all believe in Replacement Theology. The wrong belief that God cast aside the Jews and all His promises are for Christians. That’s one of the most evil lies of Satan that most Christians now believe.
Please do a study on who the 2 Witnesses are (2 Olive Trees & 2 Candlesticks) They prophesied for 3 1/2 years, the antichrist kills them and their bodies lay in the streets without being buried for 3 1/2 years until the breath of life is blown back into them and they are told to come up hither. But, the 2 Olive Trees and 2 Candlesticks tell you (Who).
The two witnesses were not buried for 3.5 days, not 3.5 years.
Did you mean to say that they WERE buried for 3.5 DAYS and NOT years correct?
Micky, you are correcting that the two witnesses are two Olive Trees and tow Candlesticks, they prophesied for 3.5 years. now, I don’t judge you but let you know my view, who are two witnesses, I might be correct or not certain which are two will be, I am studying in book of the Zechariah 4; are Joshua and Zerubbabel?
some scholar’s views are thought are Elijah and Moses or Enoch? what do you think that who are they will be two witnesses?
Typo I’m sure, but the two witnesses’ dead bodies will lay in the streets for 3.5 DAYS not years as you stated.
11 And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
The Bible says in the New Testament that all that are in Christ are Abraham’s seed. We are Isreal. God was done with the Jews that rejected him and Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD fulfilling the 70 years decreed for them.
The Jesuits came up with dispensational doctrines like the pre fib rapture and the 7 years for the zionist jews. Doctrines of devils. Daniels 70th week was fulfilled with the first coming of Christ, there is no separate suspended 70th week, that’s just plain stupid. The current Jews are Kabbalah, talmud satan worshipping jews. The real ‘jews’ are scattered among the nations, born out of gentile seed, those are the true Christians today. Bible says God can make sons of Abraham out of rocks if he wanted to.
John 3:16
Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.
Also very clearly mentioned in Psalms 2
The salvation is not only for Christians, it is for whole world who believes in his Son “Jesus Christ”.
Jesus loves you…
Hi Inseel,
John 3:16
Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.
Also very clearly mentioned in Psalms 2
The salvation is not only for Christians, it is for whole world who believes in his Son “Jesus Christ”.
Jesus loves you…
I concur.
i totally agree
No I am sorry my Brother there is no replacement theology, that’s people who are ignorant of scripture,
And I want to address you saying that Daniel 9:27 is where people get the 7 years from, I have a friend who is a dispensationalism and he swears up and down that he takes the Bible literally, but he literally lies, it’s only when he finds a convenient and I tell him all the time and we laugh about it, but it comes a time not funny no more, because Jesus enters after the 69 week that’s the 70th week, so that doesn’t hold water to throw the seven years in future and then put a time clock, it’s ironic because Schofield through his false teaching and books was the same one who was involved in the gap theory and Genesis 1:2. And then all of a sudden the gap theory with the clock the prophetic clock goes forward. It goes against the very nature of scripture tribulation has been happening started with Christ all throughout history until the last day and the Bible makes it clear. There’s no gentle or Jew, Joshua chapter 22 tells us clearly that all of God’s promises were fulfilled to Israel and repeats it twice all of them, lifted in Christ, the Bible says outside of Christ, let’s not forget the fact that the first two the spirit was poured out 8000 Jews got saved, and then for four years consecutively, the church was only Jewish, Christian Jews, so there’s no separation either. That’s worse than replacement theology. We are made one God‘s original plan. It starts with Adam not a Jew not a Jew Abraham, not a Jew. That’s all the way to the possessed promised land to become a nation that’s 2500 years. The Bible says in Hebrew God as a father of spirits.
I see that “time” = 1; “Times” = 2 and “half a time” =1/2 (altogether makes 3 and 1/2 times.) I get confused when you multiply this by 2 to get 7. So this becomes 7 what?
Where does the “2” come from?
I believe the 3.5 years of the short World War 3 is the time when the two wittnesses will show up n give the final warning of repent n change. After the 2 wittnesses are destroy because God allows it after 3.5 years the atomic bombs will end the World War 3 n Jesus returns n the spiritual wars starts n satan is thrown into the cave n chain for 1000 years. Its coming. This things were fore told n are going to happen just like Noahs time. God Warns everybody.
3 1/2 & 3 1/2 = 7
3.5 + 3.5 = 7
He’s wrong. The tribulation will be 3.5 years and not 7. I’m not sure why he multiples this.
Where in the bible that says the Tribulation is 7 years?
Canon Bible says 10 yrs and we have just finished the 10 yr tribulations
1) In Revelation 11 alone for example, how do we know w/c is the first half of “7 Years” & w/c one is the 2nd half?2) What’s d historic escha position of early Church Fathers?