Celebrating YHWH’s 7 Feasts Future Fulfillment in the Book of Revelation!
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YHWH’s 7 Feasts in the Book of Revelation Summary
1. Feast of Passover in Revelation
Future application of Lamb’s Blood at:
Rev 1:5-6, 5:9-10, 7:9,14, 12:11.
2. Feast of Unleavened Bread in Revelation
“Bread of Affliction” of Deuteronomy 16:3 eaten by:
a) 144,000 – Kingdom of Priests – Bride – New Jerusalem
Rev 6:9-11, Rev 20:4, 11:2, 12:11, 13:7, 10, 13:15-17, 14:12, Rev 15:2, 17:6, 19:2
b) Great Multitude
Rev 7:14, 16, 12:17, 13:15-17, 14:12
c) 7 Churches
Rev 2:2,9-11,13,19, 3:8-10
3. Feast of First Fruits in Revelation
a) Yeshua / Jesus First Fruits – Rev 1:5, 2:8.
b) 144,000 First Fruits – Rev 14:4
144,000 participates in First Resurrection – Rev 20:6
4. Feast of Weeks / Pentecost in Revelation
Future Fulfillment Described at Joel 2:28-29 but “after” (Joel 2:28) the “Day of the Lord” (Joel 2:11) and “after” a restoration of vegetation, “trees,” “rain,” “grain,” and the removal of “shame” (Joel 2:21-27).
5. Feast of Trumpets in Revelation
Future Fulfillment in All 7 Trumpets of Revelation 8:1-11:19
➥ 6. Feast or Day of Atonement
The Book of Revelation describes YHWH “providing Atonement for His land & His people” – Deut 32:43 – Song of Moses Re Sung at Rev 15:3.
Important to understand that YHWH has “given” “Blood” to make “Atonement” Lev 17:11 and “Everything must be with purified blood” Heb 9:22.
1) YHWH Providing Blood Atonement for “HIS LAND” in Revelation:
a) 4th Seal “Kill” “1/4th” Rev 6:8
b) 6th Trumpet “Kill 1/3rd” Rev 9:15
c) “Great Wine Press of the Wrath of God,” “Harvest of the Earth” Rev 14:17-20 – “blood flowed from the winepress, as high as a horse’s bridle, for 200 miles” Rev 14:20.
d) 6th Bowl of Wrath – Armageddon – Earth’s combined militaries are destroyed & fed to the birds! Rev 19:11-21
2) YHWH Providing Blood Atonement for “HIS PEOPLE” in Revelation:
In Revelation, YHWH provides Blood Atonement for “His People” in 2 ways:
1) Blood of the Lamb
a) “Kingdom of Priests” Rev 1:5, 5:9-10, 12:11
b) “Great Multitude” – Rev 7:14
2) Judgment & Vengeance for the Blood of the Saints
5th Seal – Rev 6:10 – “Slain” “souls” ask “how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”
a) YHWH’s answer to when “judge our blood?”
2nd & 3rd Bowls of Wrath – Rev 16:3-7
b) YHWH’s answer to when “avenge our blood?”
7th Bowl of Wrath – Judgment of Babylon – Revelation 19:2
Atonement or Remove Sin – Future at Zechariah 3:9 & Isaiah 6:7.
Fulfilled Day of Atonement Requirements to “Afflict Yourself” in Leviticus 23:27-32 at:
a) 144,000 – Kingdom of Priests – Bride – New Jerusalem
Rev 6:9-11, Rev 20:4, 11:2, 12:11, 13:7, 10, 13:15-17, 14:12, Rev 15:2, 17:6, 19:2
b) Great Multitude
Rev 7:14, 16, 12:17, 13:15-17, 14:12
c) 7 Churches
Rev 2:2,9-11,13,19, 3:8-10
7. Feast of Tabernacles in Revelation
The Biblical Goal of all believers is for YHWH to “tabernacle” or “Dwell” with them!
YHWH Tabernacles the Great Multitude & the New Earth through New Jerusalem at 2 places: Rev 7:13-17, 21:3-4 NASB.
1. YHWH Tabernacles with the “Great Multitude”
The “Great Multitude” Celebrates & Fulfills YHWH’s Feast of Tabernacles in 3 ways:
a) “Palm Branches”
Rev 7:9 – fulfilling Lev 23:40
b) “Rejoicing”
Rev 7:10 fulfilling Lev 23:40
c) “Dwell in Booths”
On ‘coming out of the great tribulation,” Rev 7:14 and surviving the “great earthquake” of Rev 16:18 the Great Multitude will likely construct temporary housing or booths fulfilling Lev 23:42-43.
Pattern at Jer 16:14-15.
2) YHWH Tabernacles with New Earth through New Jerusalem
Revelation 21:3 KJV –for context Rev 21:1-7
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If you would like to discuss the Book of Revelation further, please contact Chris Campbell @ +1 (504) 723-2802 or email emc2csc@aol.com
Look up on your browser the Jewish calendar.
Or look each one up, “when does Passover fall in 2024? When is the day of first fruits 2024?” Etc.
Thank you for all your diligence, hard work, and love for us, given freely through this site. You have provided some great insights – important information in these days for those who are paying attention to what the Lord has revealed through His last written words to His people. May the Lord continue to teach you and have you pass on even more to the rest of us. With gratitude.
what are the dates for these feasts please?
Hmm іs anyone else having problems with the imaցes on this Ьlog lоading?
I’m trying to find out if its a problem on my end or if it’s tһe bⅼog.
Any feedback would be greatⅼy appreciated.
They work fine now with the pictures loading. there was a short time when the website was having problems. try again.