2nd Seal Revelation 6:3-4, Biblical Interpretation & Picture Galleries!
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2nd Seal, Revelation 6:3-4 Text
3 When he opened the 2nd seal,
I heard the second living creature say, “Come!”
4 And out came another HORSE, bright RED.
Its rider was permitted to TAKE PEACE from the earth,
so that people should slay one another,
and he was given a GREAT SWORD.
1/4 of the Earth Killed in Part by 2nd Seal War! – Revelation 6:8
2nd Seal War is Repeated in the 4th Seal at Revelation 6:8.
In the 4th Seal, God reveals a QUANTITY of death causes in part by 2nd Seal War.
Imagine the global fear, terror & chaos in the 4th Seal when 1/4 of the Earth or 1.75 Billion people are killed by war, hunger, plague & wild beasts……!
Imagine the lockdowns and economic impact the 4 Horsemen will bring……!
Revelation 6:7-8
7 When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!”
8 And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.
The 2nd Seal is Part of Revelations’ 1st of 3 Depopulation Predictions!
4 Horsemen Population reduction will be the confirmation that the Book of Revelation is truly underway!
➥ Revelation’s 3 Depopulation Predictions In-depth Web Page Link
Sword / War =
“Sword” occurs 424 times in 384 verses in the KJV! Wow!
7 Chapters that Mention 4 Horsemen – Shocking Revelation!!!
“Do not interpretations belong to God? Genesis 40:8
There are 7 Chapters in the Bible mention the 2nd 3rd & 4th Seals of Revelation,
In ALL 7 Chapters, YHWH is Targeting His Disobedient People!
This emphasizes the Need to Repent BEFORE the 4 Horsemen Ride!
Otherwise look to be a target for destruction…
Also Contained within these 7 Chapters, is God’s Interpretation, Instructions, Encouragement, Warnings, Reasons & “Food in due Season” (Matt 24:45, Luke 12:42) for those alive at the time of Seals 1, 2, 3 & 4!
Here Are ALL 7 Chapters
in Text & Pictures:
1. Deuteronomy 32:22-25
2. Leviticus 26:22, 25-26
3. Ezekiel 5:12, 15-17
4. Ezekiel 14:12-23
5. Jeremiah 15:1-3
6. Jeremiah 16:3-4
7. Revelation 6:7-8
7 Chapters that Mention 4 Horsemen PICTURES!
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2nd Seal Videos
How Judgment Begins with God’s House!
Short 2nd & 4th Seal Video
In Depth Video on 7 Chapters that Contain the 4 Horsemen!
2nd Seal Picture Gallery
Related Topics
➥ 4 Horsemen Web Page Link
➥ 1st Seal of Revelation 6 White Horse Web Page Link
➥ 2nd Seal of Revelation 6 Red Horse Web Page Link
➥ 3rd Seal of Revelation 6 Black Horse Web Page Link
➥ 4th Seal of Revelation 6 Pale Green Horse Web Page Link
➥ Deuteronomy 32, 4 Horsemen Web Page Link
➥ Jeremiah 14, 4 Horsemen Web Page Link
➥ Ezekiel 5, 4 Horsemen Web Page Link
➥ Ezekiel 14, 4 Horsemen Web Page Link
➥ Pre-Trib Rapture Believers Die by 4 Horsemen Web Page Link
Explore the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse Links!
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Also, please let us know if you have any suggestions on how to improve the website!
We do read all the comments and appreciate your feedback!
If you would like to discuss the Book of Revelation further, please contact Chris Campbell @ +1 (504) 723-2802 or email emc2csc@aol.com
Since we are in the end Time,send us more related ideas,thank you.
A pretrib rapture is definitely not clear in scripture or it wouldn’t be a highly debatable topic.
Thanks for the great teaching I have received in this topic, My YHWH be Praised.9
I bless day name of the Lord
The Bible clearly teaches a pre-tribulation rapture
I cannot take anything you say seriously if you reject that position
No, Dan, the Bible clearly DON’T teach a “pre-tribulation rapture” if you read it without the lens of the doctrines of men – but even you said that you cannot take anything seriously from someone that rejects that position, I will take you seriously and take the time to respond you, brother.
A “pre-tribulation rapture” [of the Great Tribulation] is a modern teaching by those who have worshiped or ultimately will worship: a) Judaism (a false religion); b) Zionism (a false political movement); c) the Synagogue of Satan (fake Jews); and that will want to build the wall that Christ Himself have took down (Jews X everybody else). What it was always a biblical and true rapture (of the Church*) is a pre-WRATH rapture. The Bible states that we (believers/Christians) are not appointed to the WRATH of God, but some believers/Christians will endure and be here for the initial and great TRIBULATION (or affliction) of those coming last days. Believers/Christians will be persecuted (as we already are now in 2020 and more each year passes!) and we will die in it [Great Tribulation] and be beheaded because of our testimony, but we will not be lost.
* Yes, the Church encompass ALL BELIEVERS from ALL AGES.
Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles are always warning a group of people about the signs that comprehend the last days; who do you think that group is?! Of course that group is us and those warnings are for us: believers in Christ. That is why the Bible (a Christian book) warns us (believers/Christians) to be prepared to endure persecution and be ready for the false prophets, the Antichrist and the beast system (that comes with the mark of the beast/Antichrist). If there really was anything as a “pre-tribulation rapture” [of the Great Tribulation], why would they spend so many verses WARNING US [believers/Christians] to be prepared and be ready for something that we would not need to worry about?! Those warnings are NOT for unbelievers that will be here for the Wrath of God! UNBELIEVERS DON’T READ NOR BELIEVE NOR UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE!, and God is clearly not teaching them about all those things in order to guide and keep them safe! PLEASE, TAKE A TIME TO UNDERSTAND THIS! LET THAT SINK IN!
If you read your Bible by yourself and try to understand all of Revelation, together with other Last Days texts, you will NOT be able to come up with a “pre-tribulation rapture” [of the Great Tribulation] without going through the teachings of the heresy that is Dispensationalism (an imposed system/lens that distorts all the direct and simple teachings of the Bible). Please, Dan, let the Holy Spirit be your guide and teacher and stop following the doctrines of men.
Also, check out this chart. It helped me A LOT in understanding the layout of the Revelation; I’m using it together with my reading/writing of the study that I’m doing it: https://files.sucan.ro/marius/blog/daniel-oala/revelations-chart.jpg
In love and truth. In Christ. From Brazil.