7 Trumpets of Revelation – Discover Biblical Interpretation, Enjoy Accurate Pictures! Revelation 8-11

Explore the 7 Trumpets

Pick a Trumpet for Biblical Interpretation & Pictures!

7 Trumpets Amazing Topics!

How to Connect 7 Trumpets to 7 Seals & 7 Bowls!

Did you know … that 1/3rd is mentioned 10 times in the 7 Trumpets?
Use of 1/3rd in the 7 Trumpets
Trumpet 1 – 1/3rd Earth – 1/3rd Trees
Trumpet 2 – 1/3rd Sea Blood –1/3rd Sea Creatures Die – 1/3rd Ships Destroyed
Trumpet 3 – 1/3rd Rivers Wormwood – 1/3rd Springs Wormwood
Trumpet 4 – 1/3rd Sun Dark – 1/3rd Moon Dark – 1/3rd Stars Dark
Trumpet 6 – 1/3rd Killed
Trumpet 7 – 1/3rd CHANGES to 100% in the Vials WRATH
Link to Scriptural References of 1/3rd  used in the Bible:

Did you know… that what the 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets & 7 Vials of Wrath all have in common is WRATH? WRATH in 6th Seal (Rev 6:16), WRATH in 7th Trumpet (Revelation 11:18) & WRATH in the 7 Vials of WRATH? (Revelation 15 & 16)
If you want to CONNECT the 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets &  7 Vials of Wrath, try lining up with WRATH with WRATH with WRATH!
Get ready to see HIS BIG PICTURE!

Did you know… that in Trumpet 1, where ALL the Green grass is burnt, is the mathematical anomaly because in Trumpets 1-6 the number of destruction is 1/3rd. In Trumpet 1, however, God starts out with ALL or 100%  of the Green Grass Burning!
God also Ends with 100% in the Vials of Wrath.
Global Economic Collapse anyone?
Link to over 15 places where God discusses Green Grass Burning:

Did you know… the “Prayers of the Saints” (or Hagios – greek) are being offered to God as incense in the Opening vision of the 7 Trumpets? (Revelation 8:3)
The real question is will your prayers join in the Heavenly vision ?
& Will your prayers be in harmony with the 7 Trumpets?
Will you pray for God to Unleash the Consuming FIRE on the Earth?
The “Prayers of the Saints”  are being offered to God as incense in the Opening vision of the 7 Seals at Revelation 5:8? Will your prayers join in the Heavenly vision ? & Will your prayers be in harmony with the 7 Seals?

Can you imagine… the size of the Tsunami Wave that will be generated when, “something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea?” (Rev 8:8) Can you Imagine the size of the wave for a, “third of the ships” to be “destroyed.” WOW!
After Trumpet 1 Sounds, Living along the coast could be deadly!
Link to Scriptural References for Trumpet 2:

Did you know… that the Song of Moses sung at Revelation 15:3, recorded at Deuteronomy 32:22-25, presents Trumpets 1 & 2 Sounding BEFORE the 4 Horsemen ride? Fitting to Blow 2 Trumpets Announcing and Proclaiming the White Horse’s ride to “Conquer and complete His conquest” in the First Seal! (Revelation 6:2)
Link to Song of Moses video:
Link to First Seal Scriptures:

Did you know… that for Trumpet 3,  “WORMWOOD,” there are 4 Chapters in the Bible where God has previously turned water to Wormwood.
In these 4 chapters, God expands on the details given in Revelation for Trumpet 3. Here God shares His Reasons and tells us the who, what, where, when & why: Consider Listening to God:
Deuteronomy 29:18-19
Jeremiah 8:13-14
Jeremiah 9:12-16
Jeremiah 23:14-15
“Do not interpretations belong to God?” Genesis 40:8
Link to these Scriptures:

Link to Trumpet 4 similar language used in the Bible.
“Do no interpretations belong to God?” Genesis 40:8

Do you think … that Trumpets 1-4 will help contribute to to the Bible’s prediction of 1/4th of the Earth Killed in Seal 4? (Rev 6:8).
Are Trumpets 1-4 part of the “Beginning of Birth Pains?” Matthew 24:8
Link to Trumpet 1-4 & Seal 4 video:

Did you know… As if Trumpets 1-4 weren’t destructive & devastating enough, God singles out Trumpets 5-7 as the
“WOE…WOE…WOE… for the earth
or as other translations put it,
TERRIBLE JUDGMENT… Revelation 8:13
Link to 3 Woes video:

Link to Trumpet 5 similar language used in the Bible.
“Do no interpretations belong to God?” Genesis 40:8

Did you know… the Vast Trumpet 6 spans 3 Chapters in Revelation? Why does God give the 6th Trumpet so much space?
Link to Vast 6th Trumpet video:

Did you know… that a period of 3 1/2 years is naturally built in to the 6th Trumpet?  Rev 11:2-3. WOW!
If your looking to insert the Beast Conquering the Saints for 3 1/2 years or Daniel’s prophesy of Great Tribulation for 3 1/2 years, why not start with the 6th Trumpet?
3 1/2 Years is Naturally Built in to the 6th Trumpet! WOW!

Did you Know… that the 6th Trumpet reveals the timing of the Sealing of the 144,000? Rev 7:1-4 & Rev 9:13-15.
Link to 144,000 Sealed video:

Did you know… that what the 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets & 7 Vials all have in common is WRATH? WRATH in 6th Seal. WRATH in 7th Trumpet & WRATH in the 7 Vials of WRATH? If you want to connect the 7 Seals, Trumpets & Vials, try starting with WRATH.

Did you know… The 7th Trumpet includes the 1,000 year reign?
It starts when God has “Begun to Reign” (Rev 11:15).  But the Nations are sill around and God’s Wrath on them is here. What makes the 7th Trumpet Vast in terms of time is the inclusion of the “resurrection” & “Judgement” of the “dead” (Rev:11:18) This means the 1,000 year Reign is part of the 7th Trumpet! Wow!

Did you know… that the God Appointed Feast of Trumpets is one of three remaining Feasts that are yet to be fulfilled?

Higher Quality JPG Picture Link

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7 Trumpets Videos

7 Trumpets of Revelation Picture Gallery

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We do read all the comments and appreciate your feedback!
If you would like to discuss the Book of Revelation further, please contact Chris Campbell @ +1 (504) 723-2802 or email emc2csc@aol.com


  1. P. Christian says:

    Could you just write a quick summary, and add that to this page full of video links ?
    Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, Seven Bowls 7-7-7
    Clearly not talking about literal seals on scrolls, opening them has no effect. So what is the actual symbol of ? Seven Trumpets ? Again, actual physical trumpets have no impact on planet Earth. Seven Bowls ? Well, you could put some nightmare tech weapons or bio weapons in bowls… Even a small bowl could contain something awful. Lots of Symbols, but what is the acutal technology the Messiah uses to destroy planet Earth and kill everything that is alive ? Such Planetcide is a Galactic Scale Hate Crime, and is completely illegal. Abuse of sentients. Destruction of living biospheres.

  2. Jeffery Haokip says:

    I love all this pictures in Bible verse and Book of Revelation according to Bible. Very great work i appreciate you, May God bless you.

    Please can yousent me in email i want all this interpretation to print out and read in Book.

  3. Ceri Pritchard says:

    Hey ! How do we subscribe ?

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