Trumpets at Jericho Foreshadow the Pattern of the 7 Trumpets of Revelation!

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Trumpets at Jericho Parallel 7 Trumpets of Revelation

Both have the same result:

Joshua 6:20 – “the wall fell down flat”
Revelation 16:19 – “the cities of the nations fell”


➥ 1st Day March once around City = 1st Trumpet
➥ 2nd Day March once around City = 2nd Trumpet
➥ 3rd Day March once around City = 3rd Trumpet
➥ 4th Day March once around City = 4th Trumpet
➥ 5th Day March once around City = 5th Trumpet
➥ 6th Day March once around City = 6th Trumpet
➥ 7th Day March 7x’s around City = 7 Bowls of WRATH During 7th Trumpet WRATH

➥ 7th Day 1st March = 1st Bowl of Wrath
➥ 7th Day 2nd March = 2nd Bowl of Wrath
➥ 7th Day 3rd March = 3rd Bowl of Wrath
➥ 7th Day 4th March = 4th Bowl of Wrath
➥ 7th Day 5th March = 5th Bowl of Wrath
➥ 7th Day 6th March = 6th Bowl of Wrath
➥ 7th Day 7th March = 7th Bowl of Wrath

Both have the same result:
Joshua 6:20 – “the wall fell down flat”
Revelation 16:19 – “the cities of the nations fell”

➥ As YHWH’s Arc of the Covenant was marched around Jericho, YHWH’s Arc is seen in His Temple in Heaven in the 7th Trumpet Wrath!
Revelation 11:19
“God’s temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen within his temple.”

Joshua 6

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Also, please let us know if you have any suggestions on how to improve the website!
We do read all the comments and appreciate your feedback!
If you would like to discuss the Book of Revelation further, please contact Chris Campbell @ +1 (504) 723-2802 or email


  1. Michael Jackson says:

    Truly, God has already anointed the Christ!

  2. You missed the 7 thunders that are in between the trumpets and bowls (Rev. 10). But definitely an interesting parallel.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Read The Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccaretta, where Jesus Christ clearly stated the time we are in.

  4. HELEN POWELL says:

    People, please open your eyes and see the truth! The End Times Are Here! God is trying to get your attention before it’s too late! He doesn’t want you to go to hell! God loves you, whether you realize it or not! He showing His signs and wonders everywhere! He’s giving us chance, after chance after chance! When are we going to wake up and see that the devil is using us! He doesn’t love us or even care about us! Once he’s done with us, he will kick us to the curb, or have us killed! He uses you, and once you sell your soul to him, that’s it! There’s no turning back! Your his and you will spend eternity in hell with him! There will be no turning back! So I pray that you start getting your hearts in order! In the Almighty name of Yeshua Hamashaich!!!

    1. Michael Jackson says:

      Truly, God has already anointed the Christ!

    2. Anonymous says:

      You cannot sell your soul to satan. There is repentance and salvation to the person who said something out stupidity or anger. Just don’t deny the Spirit of Christ, Spirit of God, Holy Spirit, and Holy Ghost… just don’t deny Jesus Christ.

  5. Do you use KJV only? Thanks



    This information is an eye-opener –
    Now it all makes sense!


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