Judgment of Babylon the Great! Revelation 17, Revelation 18
7th Bowl – Timing of Babylon the Great’s Destruction!
Babylon’s destruction specifically occurs during the 7th & final Bowl of Wrath in Revelation 16:17,19!
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Mystery Babylon the Great Identified at Isaiah 14!
Who is the King of Mystery Babylon the Great?
Isaiah 14:4, 12-15 identifies Satan as the King of Mystery Babylon the Great in the Book of Revelation!
➥ Isaiah 14:4, 12-15
4 that you shall take up this parable against the king of Babylon,
12 How you are fallen from heaven, day-star, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, who laid the nations low!
13 You said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; and I will sit on the mountain of congregation, in the uttermost parts of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the uttermost parts of the pit.
All Places in Revelation that mention Babylon Summary:
Revelation 14:8 – Eternal Gospel announces “Fallen is Babylon the great.”
Revelation 16:17-21, 7th Bowl of Wrath, Timing of Fall of Babylon.
Revelation 17, Description of Babylon the Great.
Revelation 18, Description of Babylon’s Fall
Revelation 19:1-4, Heavens Reaction
Revelation 19:6, “The Almighty Reigns!”
Revelation 19:6-9, Time for “the Wedding of the Lamb!”
The “Fall of Babylon” or “Judgment of the Great Whore” takes place during the 7th & final Bowl of Wrath at Revelation 16:17-21. YHWH provides 2 chapters describe the details of this event in Revelation 17 & 18. Revelation 19:1-4 describes the Heavens reaction to the fall & judgment of Babylon & Revelation 19:6-9 describes The timing of the Marriage of the Lamb immediately after the fall & judgment of Babylon. At Revelation 19:6, the Heavens proclaim, “The Almighty Reigns!” The gradual destruction & take over of planet earth is now complete with the fall & judgment of Babylon!
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Chapters in the Bible that describe Babylon:
Biblical Source of Revelation 17-19!
also additional details to Revelation….
The Fall, Judgement & Description of Babylon found in the Book of Revelation is simply repeating or quoting from previews places in the scriptures. YHWH’s Biblical Prophets are the source of the Language contained in Revelation and provide many more details on the fall that Revelation does not have the space for. If one is striving for YHWH’s full interpretation & understanding on the fall, judgment & description of Babylon on must read & understand the following:
- Jeremiah 50, 51, 52 – Wow! Much of Revelation 17-19 is quoting these chapters!
- Habakkuk 1, 2 – Rise & Fall of the Babylonians – Complete Global Economic Plunder!
- Isaiah 13-14, Destruction of Babylon & it’s King – Satan.
- Isaiah 21 – “Fallen is Babylon.”
- Isaiah 47 – Shamed & destroyed!
- Nahum 1-3, The City built on Blood.
- Ezekiel 28 – Devil when created, master of trade – King of Tyre
“Fallen is Babylon”
2nd Message of the Eternal Gospel!
Revelation 14:6-8
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Babylon = “God’s Hammer,” “Weapon of War” & “Golden Cup!”
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Babylon – God’s Hammer & Weapon of War – A Golden Cup in YHWH’s Hand – Jeremiah 51:7,21
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Revelation 17:16-17 – Babylon Destroyed by the 10 Horns & the Beast:
Revelation 17:16-17
16 “And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, 17 for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast until the words of God are fulfilled.”
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Calculating Babylon’s Level of Blood Guilt! – Revelation 18:24
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Judgment of Babylon Picture Gallery
Judgment of Babylon – Revelation 17-19 Pictures
Related Links
➥ Judgment of Babylon in Revelation 17-19 Web Page Link
➥ 7th Bowl of Wrath Timing of Babylon’s Judgment Web Page Link
➥ Isaiah 13 God Destroys Babylon Web Page Link
➥ Isaiah 14 Satan Identified as the King of Babylon Web Page Link
➥ Habakkuk 1 Rise of the Babylonians Web Page Link
➥ Habakkuk 2 Babylon Debt Enslaves Earth Web Page Link
➥ Joel 2 God’s Babylonian Army Destroys the Earth
➥ Discover Babylon’s Deception by Pharmakeia
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We do read all the comments and appreciate your feedback!
If you would like to discuss the Book of Revelation further, please contact Chris Campbell @ +1 (504) 723-2802 or email emc2csc@aol.com
Indeed US is seventh ‘head’ and – together with the other six – will turn into the beast (Greek says ‘out off’ not one of). According to me that will happen at the sixth trumpet when the 4 angels (of the 4 empires – Daniel 10) will be loosed. See more on the video’s I’m making of the US at the moment. Of 14 biblical events on the beast, 6 already played out.
Sad that in all of these *teachings* the Roman Catholic Church and its counterfeit doctrines is left out! She is drunk with the blood of the saints (Inquisition e.g.) Golden Cup (used in their counterfeit communion service) Blasphemies (2 Biblical definitions: when a man claims to be God and when a man claims to forgive sins) The cardinals/bishops/popes wear purple and scarlet (and are decked with precious gold / precious stones / pearls) Created the counterfeit Sabbath (Sunday IS NOT the Lord’s Day) Created a false priesthood (Jesus is the ONE and ONLY Mediator between God and man and serves as our High Priest in heaven)! The RCC is the whore of Babylon and all churches who refuse to abandon the false doctrines they borrowed from her are her DAUGHTERS! The most significant false doctrine is the counterfeit Sabbath, which is nothing more than the pagan Sun-day. She has political power, economic power and ecclesiastical power, unlike any other independent country on earth! (Yes, the Vatican is its own country). Wake up and “Come out of her, my people”!
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏
Awsome Excellant You Are right on the mark.Hallulha Amen Praise Be His name On High.keep Preaching The truth The Meat Of The Word.House Of Prayer Congratulates You On This Knowledge. It Is Proof that In The Last Days The Knowledge Of America Will Be Revealed About It’s Present Role And Fate Too Come.Thank You Jesus Christ For Revealing Your Word Too All People In The End times And Last Days For All The World To See And Hear.Please Continue To Pray For America There Is Still Hope Love And Joy And Peace.
Babylon is a city with seven hills. John wrote this whilst on the island of Patmos and was shocked when he saw the vision asto who it is. John was a Jew and Rome was still pagan. Jerusalem is a city with seven hills and is representation for God’s bride – His people. A whore in OT language is God’s PeopleSoft are degiled. Jerusalem is the whore. The eight kings are kingdoms that rule have and will rule over Jerusalem. The present king at the time of writing Revelation was the Roman Empire. After the Romans, it was an Arab / Muslim Empire that ruled over Jerusalem. That until 1948, when the United Nations established the state of Israel. A union established by former countries formed from the breakup of the western Roman Empire and funded with Jewish banks. We know the beast of the Sea is not a country or a combination of countries as in chapter/verse 17:12, it states clearly that the kings (leaders) don’t have a country of their own. It is therefore a global union with a commitee of ten leaders that will have control over all nations, but they are not country presidents or prime ministers.
We know that this polithc beast will give authority to a religious beast from the Bible lands. Afalse prophet and a false religion to deceive the world and murder Christians. God made a promise that He will bless the nation’s through the ancestors of Jacob, but will curse the nations with force through Ishmael (a wild ass of Aman and his hand will be against all his neighbours).
Please sir, can I have all these teachings in PDF? I will be grateful for them
The truth is that we’re in the last days, May Almighty God rescue his people because it’s too much.
Hi can we have a brach of the ministry in my office in Abuja
Sure, you can call or email at: +1 504 723-2802 or emc2csc@aol.com.
May God’s Blessings at Revelation 1:3 be with you!
Sure, you can call or email at: +1 504 723-2802 or emc2csc@aol.com
Where is The United States in the end times?
Soon Pharmakeia Will Be
Destroyed The Babylon The
Great Will Be No More Amen…. 🌹
Still in North America!
According to what you are saying, I must give up my Prescription Medications. In a bad car wreck last year, I broke my back in 5 places. Still in wheelchair trying to walk again. Many medications are being used to help me recover. So do I stop taking them?
“Pharmakeia” refers to false doctrines.
We must be careful which “incantations” we utter.
When we compare what God said in Genesis 2:16-17 to what Eve said in Genesis 3:2-3, we see that Eve didn’t do a very good job at keeping God’s Word, did she?
The book of John the revelator has got a lot to be revealed fornately one may not understand if not clearly understands the book of Daniel. May our father GOD through Christ our Lord and Saviour Jesus bless us with the Holy Gost in this rough end Times. Amen
All confusing babylon is bad, but used by god and all peopel are punished for accepting it,,,, to much for me,, 🎭
I have to differ with the 7th and 8th world power,the 7th is English and the 8th is USA England once ruled supreme rulers of the seven seas she was about to die by Hitler when USA rescued her from death now she is a world power again she is the beast and USA the antiMassiah or antichrist democracy is the antiMassiah or antichrist but because USA is the head he exercise the same power like the beast she has a statue and she give all the devil and demons freedom to be worshipped when YOD.HE.VAV.HE says he is the only one to be worshipped I could go on and on. Thank you.
The 8th beast is the Islamic Caliphate that President Erdogan of Turkey is reviving! SEE: Bible prophecy teacher Sonia Azam on YouTube. She is an ex muslin from Pakistan who grew up in London and now lives in the U.S. She became a Christian around the year 2000. She is incredibly gifted in the uncovering of this mystery!
Amen, judgment time.
This makes Mecca the city that is being referenced.
Am so blessed with the reveretioncriptures ,in this last days .LUKE 18:8
I don’t want to guess but we are expecting this to.happen. When Jesus comes He will be a fierce Judge. Now He is a loving Savior that he wanted all to come to.repentance . That’s grace.
I have preached for many years and in neked of books that ephersize more in the books of Reveletion
The world is ending soon with this explanation. We are just waiting for the 7th and 8th Kings to exercise their power
You keep on waiting, and we will be raptured as soon as Jesus come. Rapture will be first and then these kings and beasts will come. You stay here and end up in hell.
I’m with you aj
Where does it mention in the Bible that we will be raptured before the tribulation?
Pretrib rapture….
Not gonna happen!
We are going through it.
Jesus is king 7th because after Jesus no more other King is last and end (olp OMG) Revelation .
Wonderful! How can I get this books online?
I need this book through PDF. I have the responsibility of teaching others.I think the church has been largely inadequately informed of the end time events.Thank you for the expository teaching.