All 7 Seals of Revelation in Matthew 24 Comparison!

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Matthew 24

Did you know that all 7 Seals can be found in Matthew 24?
Discovering the Similarities Between Matthew 24 & the 7 Seals is fun, amazing & will Build your Faith &confidence in God’s future prophetic timeline!

Matthew 24 & the 7 Seals are a Solid Foundation for understanding Bible Prophecy!
When you combine them you get God’s bigger picture of the Future!.!.!.! God essentially tells us TWICE!

See if you can find all 7 Seals in Matthew 24…

All 7 Seals can also be found in the Song of Moses of Deuteronomy 32!
This is the origin of the 7 Seals!

All 7 Seals in Song of Moses Link:

7 Seals,Seven Seals,Matthew 24,Deuteronomy 32,Song of Moses,Revelation 15,Blessings,Curses,Plagues,first seal,second seal,third,seal,fourth seal,fifth seal,sixth seal,seventh seal, 1st Trumpet,2nd Trumpet,Book of Revelation,Revelation of Jesus Christ,Four horsemen,Apocalypse,War,Sword,famine,hunger,pestilence,disease,wild beast,wrath,lord's day,second coming,end times,last days,comparison,7 Trumpets,Fire Kindled,Fire mountains,mountain into see,7 Seals in Song of Moses,Song og Moses Lyrics,Sing the Song of Moses,Rev 15:3,Revelation 15:3,What is the Song of Moses,Exodus 15,7 Seals Song of Moses Comparison,Fire from altar,All green grass burnt,third trees burnt,third ships destroyed,mega tsunami,Drought,geoengineering,third sea creatures died,third sea blood,white horse, bow, crown,arrows,God’s arrows,my arrows,red horse,take peace away,black horse,scales,famine,food ration,death & hades,kill fourth,7 Seals,Seven Seals,Matthew 24,Deuteronomy 32,Song of Moses,Revelation 15,Blessings,Curses,Plagues,first seal,second seal,third,seal,fourth seal,fifth seal,sixth seal,seventh seal, 1st Trumpet,2nd Trumpet,Book of Revelation,Revelation of Jesus Christ,Four horsemen,Apocalypse,War,Sword,famine,hunger,pestilence,disease,wild beast,wrath,lord's day,second coming,end times,last days,comparison,7 Trumpets,Fire Kindled,Fire mountains,mountain into see,7 Seals in Song of Moses,Song og Moses Lyrics,Sing the Song of Moses,Rev 15:3,Revelation 15:3,What is the Song of Moses,Exodus 15,7 Seals Song of Moses Comparison,Fire from altar,All green grass burnt,third trees burnt,third ships destroyed,mega tsunami,Drought,geoengineering,third sea creatures died,third sea blood,white horse, bow, crown,arrows,God’s arrows,my arrows,red horse,take peace away,black horse,scales,famine,food ration,death & hades,kill fourth
7 Seals,Seven Seals,Matthew 24,Deuteronomy 32,Song of Moses,Revelation 15,Blessings,Curses,Plagues,first seal,second seal,third,seal,fourth seal,fifth seal,sixth seal,seventh seal, 1st Trumpet,2nd Trumpet,Book of Revelation,Revelation of Jesus Christ,Four horsemen,Apocalypse,War,Sword,famine,hunger,pestilence,disease,wild beast,wrath,lord's day,second coming,end times,last days,comparison,7 Trumpets,Fire Kindled,Fire mountains,mountain into see,7 Seals in Song of Moses,Song og Moses Lyrics,Sing the Song of Moses,Rev 15:3,Revelation 15:3,What is the Song of Moses,Exodus 15,7 Seals Song of Moses Comparison,Fire from altar,All green grass burnt,third trees burnt,third ships destroyed,mega tsunami,Drought,geoengineering,third sea creatures died,third sea blood,white horse, bow, crown,arrows,God’s arrows,my arrows,red horse,take peace away,black horse,scales,famine,food ration,death & hades,kill fourth

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If you would like to discuss the Book of Revelation further, please contact Chris Campbell @ +1 (504) 723-2802 or email


  1. Bairon yeeko says:

    I want to study the book of revelation

  2. I will read in Bible book .

  3. Molly Tanielu-Lima says:

    I am so grateful and blessed of seen this encouragement Revelation Scripture website as I am so determined to the truth of Matthew 24, The Book of Daniel and The significant of the Seven Seals! May God grant you us all the wisdom to know and acknowledge the Truth of His Holy Words and it’s purpose for us all mankind!

  4. Ojullu Omot says:

    It is good to understand the seven seals

  5. Send me this all on my whatsapp number+919226566745

    1. Viliame Gonelevu says:

      Bro the seven seals are the 7 thousand years of dispensation of time. One thousand year is equal to a dispensation of time. Only one seal was left to be opened and that is the seventh seal and now it has already as we progress thru the begining of all sorrows. That is why our only hope which is our Messiah Yeshua to open the seal, because if it is not opened, we would not be able to go across to the new heaven and the new earth that has already prepared for His Saints. You see seal 5 how the early church believers were martyred that during the 5 thousand years. The second seal the big famine in Egypt in the time Joseph and that was during the 2 thousand yrs. If you will try to fit the 7 seals biblically in this end you can’t because the trumpet season has already begun and that is when 7th seal is opened…bless you bro🙏

  6. Richard Ruhling says:

    Good study showing parallel between war, famine and pestilence with seals 2-4.
    Not so easily seen is the parallel between the mark of the beast and the seal of God which is a 7-fold seal of topics that need to be restored (Matt 17:11) as the statutes and judgments seen clearly in Mal 4:4,5. They have a 7-fold emphasis in Ezek 20:11-24 where they are linked to Sabbaths as a sign of God’s people. For the first seal, readers may appreciate as an example. In the 10 Commandments, we see LORD in all caps, 7 times where translators removed the tetragrammaton (4 letters of God’s name, and replaced it with the title, LORD.) Bad idea, because Christ said, Not one yod (jot) should be removed, and God’s name began with the yod. If we don’t know the name, any LORD might do–the pope claims the title, Lord, God the Pope, but that system is phony as seen by the many clues in Rev 17, where the woman sits on 7 hills (Rome), verse 9. Please take a look at God’s name in link above, etc

    1. Timothy Powell says:

      Before God’s name was known, God was called, the Most High God. But Abraham was the friend of of God and God told Abraham His Hallow name.

  7. Jolanda Tukuafa says:

    Good info. Lucky me I ran across your site by accident (stumbleupon). I’ve saved it for later!

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