Revelation 14, Lamb & 144000, Eternal Gospel, Harvest & Wrath
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Revelation 14 Contains 3 distinct sections:
1) Lamb on Mount Zion with 144,000!
➥ Revelation 14:1-5
Pictures Christ as the Lamb on Mount Zion with 144,000 male firstfruits, who have been redeemed from the earth, They are singing a new song before God’s Throne!
2) Eternal Gospel Declared by 3 Angels!
➥ Revelation 14:5-13
Pictures 3 Angels proclaiming the eternal or everlasting gospel to those who dwell on earth. The Angel’s 3 proclamations are:
A) Reason to Fear God, B) Babylon has Fallen & C) Wrathful Consequences for Beast, image & mark worship.
3) Christ & the Angels Harvest the Earth!
➥ Revelation 14:14-20
Pictures Christ with Angels Harvesting the Earth with their sickles and throwing the grape harvest of the earth into the great winepress of the wrath of God. Revelation 14:20 NLT says the, blood flowed from the winepress in a stream about 180 miles long and as high as a horse’s bridle.”
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Revelation 14:1-5 Picture Gallery – The Lamb & 144,000 on Mount Zion
Revelation 14:6-13, Eternal or Everlasting Gospel – 3 Angel Message!
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3 Angels proclaim 3 messages to Earth at Revelation ch. 14:6-13.
Revelation calls these proclamations the “Eternal” or “Everlasting” “Gospel.”
1st “Fear God”
2nd “Babylon is Fallen”
3rd Consequences for “Worship” of “Beast image or mark.”
Revelation 14:6 Picture Gallery – 3 Angels Declaring the Eternal or Everlasting Gospel
Revelation 14:9-11 Picture Gallery – God’s Wrath for Beast & Image Worshipers & Recipients of the Mark – 666
Revelation Ch 14:14-20 – Harvest of the Earth – Wrath!
Is Satan the ultimate grim reaper, or is it really Christ & His Angels?
Revelation 14:14-20 Picture Gallery – The Harvest and Wrath on the Earth
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This is a lie! The 144,000 ARE NOT just men! Who is Yahweh the God you serve? Yahweh isn’t the true Supreme God of Barbelo! You all believing everything this corrupt Bible is teaching. Written by mortal men. The Bible of the earth realm has been tampered with, lost books removed, and things twisted to fit this evil earthly realm to deceive many! Yahweh IS NOT the heavenly creator. The Most High God of light. The supreme and creator of all things. God of oneness. God of all. True spirituality isn’t found in any church! The temple of God is within you. Search for spiritual truth and stop being deceived and brainwashed with lies! Churches are man made. Why are there so many religions that teaches different things? The Son of God is Yeshua and not Jesus! That too is man made. No such thing as Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, etc. None of these churches are teaching truth because they are spiritually blind and cannot lead the children of God. If ur seek first the kingdom of heaven, the TRUTH (all things) will be given unto you! WAKE UP!!
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Thank you.
Thank so much to hear this wonderful doctrine I wish I could have been some of buklets of this Church