The Key to Understanding the Book of Revelation & the Entire Bible

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God’s Interpretation of the Book of Revelation comes from the Biblical Prophets!
Bible, Biblical Principles, Book of Revelation, Context, Food at the proper time, Food in Due Season,Meat in due season, God, Hearing, Holy Bible, How to, How to Understand Revelation, How to Understand the Bible, Interpretations, Jesus, Learning, Meat in due Season, Mysteries, New Testament, Old Testament, Pay Attention, Private Interpretations, Prophets, Reading, Revelation, Scripture, Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, Subtract, Understand, Understanding God’s Words, Yeshua, YHWH,1000 year reign, 7 Feasts, 7 Feasts in Revelation, Bible, Biblical Principles, Book of Revelation, Context, Day of Attonement, Deuteronomy, End Times, Exodus, Ezekiel, Feast of Affliction, Feast of Atonemen, Feast of Booths, Feast of Tabernacle, Feast of Trumpets, Food at the proper time, Food in Due Season, Genesis, God, Habakkuk, Hearing, Holy Bible, How to, How to Understand Revelation, How to Understand the Bible, Interpretations, Jesus, Joel, Last Days, Learning, Leviticus, Lord’s Day, Meat in due Season, Mysteries, Nahum, New Testament, Old Testament, Pay Attention, Private Interpretations, Prophesy, Prophets, Reading, Revelation, Revelation of Jesus Christ, Scripture, Seven Feasts Fulfilled in Revelation, Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, Song of Moses, Subtract, The Key to Understanding the Book of Revelation, Understand, Understanding God’s Words, Understanding Revelation, Yeshua, YHWH, Zephaniah,1corinthians 14:32,Revelation 10:7,2 Peter 1:19,Matthew 25:15,2 Peter 1:20,Genesis 40:8,Scriptural Interpretation,Biblical Interpretation,Interpretation,God's Interpretation,YHWH's Interpretation,Isaiah,Moses,Jeremiah,Ezekiel,Daniel,Hosea,Joel,Amos,Obadiah,Jonah,Micah,Nahum,David,Habakkuk,Ezera,Zephaniah,Haggai,Joshua,Malachi,Nehemiah,Samuel,Zechariah,Jesus,Yeshua

The Key to understanding the Book of Revelation is that most of the Torah & most ALL Biblical Prophets point to the Revelation of Jesus Christ……. &……. the Book of Revelation points back to its origin & source, the Torah & the Biblical Prophets! We cannot fully understand one without the other!

We need All to arrive at the fullest understanding of YHWH’s master design.

This is why the Bible says:

2 Peter 1:19
& we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed,
to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place,
until the day dawns & the morning star rises in your hearts.

Revelation 10:7
but that in the days of the trumpet call to be sounded by the seventh angel,
the mystery of God would be fulfilled, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.

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Key to Understanding the Book of Revelation

YHWH’s Instructions & “Blessing” is found in Revelation 1:3
ReadRevelation Revelation 1:3
Hear” Revelation 1:3
Then you will begin to see the Language of Revelation EVERYWHERE in the rest of the Bible!

The Torah & the Biblical Prophets are the Source & Origin of the Book of Revelation.
Almost ALL of the Torah & the Biblical Prophets Foreshadow or Prophesy about Yahshua’s 2nd Coming.

Revelation arranges the writings of the Torah & Biblical Prophets into a Timeline during the “Lord’s Day” Revelation 1:10

To Understand the Torah & the Biblical Prophets,
one needs the Book of Revelation to put the events into a sequence.
To Understand the Book of Revelation,
one needs the Torah & the Biblical Prophets for the rest of the details.

The Torah & the Biblical Prophets Point to the Book of Revelation
& the Book of Revelation Points to the Torah & the Biblical Prophets.

The “Food in due season” (Matthew 24:45-47) for each Seal, Trumpet & Vial is found in the Torah & the Biblical Prophets!
Collectively, by means of the Torah, Biblical Prophets & the Book of Revelation, God provides the Complete Picture & ALL the details, Instructions & “Food in due season” for His Son’s Return in amazing awesome detail!

The question is, are you Listening?

This post is designed to demonstrate Scripturally How the Torah & ALL the Biblical Prophets
were Prophesying about or Foreshadowing Yahshua’s 2nd Coming.
In this post we will be considering:

Genesis 3-9
Exodus 7-30
Leviticus 23
Deuteronomy 32

Joel ⇔ Revelation

Joel 1
First Trumpet & Great Tribulation (6th Trumpet)

➥ Joel 1 is a whole Chapter on First Trumpet!  Compare Rev 8:7 with Joel 1:19-20.
➥ The 1st Trumpet of Revelation is only 1 verse, where as Joel goes into much greater detail. Joel 1:4-12, 16-20.
➥ Joel 1 Also Connects the 1st Trumpet with the 3rd Seal where the Black Horse of Famine is weighing Labor for “Wheat” & “Barley.” Compare Rev 6:5-6 with Joel 1:11.
➥ Joel 1 Provides the Cause of “Grass” & “Trees” “Burning!” – Joel 1:6-7.
➥ Joel 1 Provides Instructions for those Alive for the 1st Trumpet and then later in “the Great Tribulation.” – Joel 1:13-15. (Also Joel 2:1:15-17).

➥ In addition to foreshadowing the 1st Trumpet, Joel 1:6 also foreshadows the time when YHWH would bring “Curses” to His disobedient people by raising a nation from earth to execute His Judgment & Punish. This pattern started in Deut 28:48-51 & sees its greatest fulfillment in the future “Great Tribulation,” described at Luke 21:20-24, Daniel 11:31-35 & Jer 1:15. The Future Nation in the Book of Revelation is the “Beast” & “False Prophet” of Revelation 13.
Can you imagine those Alive in the Future when the 1st Trumpet Sounds or when the “Nation has come up against My land,”  to Hear YHWH’S Announcement at Joel 1:15, “Alas for the day! For the day of the YHWH is near, and as destruction from the Almighty it comes.” (Also Joel 2:1).

Joel 2
6th & 7th Vials of Wrath
(the 7 Vials of Wrath occur in the 6th Seal & 7th Trumpet Revelation 6:12, 16, 11:15, 18)

➥ Joel 2:1-11 is another description of YHWH’s Destroying Army.
Joel 2:10 Gives the REASON for the “earthquakes,” “heavens tremble,” “sun & the moon are darkened,” & “stars withdraw their light.” Also  Joel 2:31 & 3:15, 6th Seal Rev 6:12-14, Matt 24:29).
➥ Joel 2:1, 15-17 Provides Instructions for Priests alive during the 6th Vial of Wrath at Armageddon.
➥ Joel 2:12-14 YHWH calls His people to “return to Me with all your Heart.”
➥ Joel 2:20 Future “Northerner” or “Babylon the Great” (Isa 14:13, Jer 1:15, 6:22) is Destroyed in the 7th Vial of Wrath. Rev 16:17, 19.
➥ Joel 2:19-27 Restoration now comes AFTER 6th & 7th Vial of Wrath.
Restoration for “harvest,” “rain,” animals, food & YHWH’s people from “Shame.”
➥ Joel 2:28-29 “AFTERWORD,” YHWH “Pours out Spirit on all flesh” – Dreams & Visions.

Joel 3
6th Vial of WRATH – Armageddon
(WRATH – 6th Seal & 7th Trumpet)

➥ Joel 3:2-8 YHWH’s reasons for Executing the Nations for the slavery & plunder of His people.
➥ Joel 3:12 – Rev 19:11 Time to Judge Nations at 6th Vial.
➥ Joel 3:13 – Rev 14:18-20 “Grape Harvest,” “Sickle” & “Harvest.
➥ Joel 3:15-16 – Rev 6:12-14, Matt 24:29.
➥ Joel 3:9-21 YHWH’s Word to “Proclaim among the Nations” for the 6th Vial of Wrath.
➥ Joel 3:17-18, Restoration.
➥ Joel 3:19, 21 YHWH Avenges Blood – Rev 6:10, 17:6, 18:24, 19:2, Isa 26:21, Num 35:33.

Zephaniah ⇔ Revelation

Zephaniah 1
All 7 Vials of WRATH
(WRATH – 6th Seal & 7th Trumpet)

➥ Zeph 1:2-3 YHWH “sweeps away everything,” “man” & “beast.”
➥ Zeph 1:3-6 YHWH’s specific REASONS for utter Destruction.
➥ Zeph 1:7-8 – Rev 19:17-19, 21, 6th VialGreat Supper of YHWH” (do not want to attend this meal!)
➥ Zeph 1:11 – Rev 18:11-20 “Merchants wiped out” (also Eze 7: 12-13, 19)
➥ Zeph 1:14-18 – Rev 16, Powerful Destructive Description of “The Great Day of YHWH” or His “Day of Wrath!”
➥ Zeph 1:15, 18 – 7 Vials of Wrath in Rev 16-17.
➥ Zeph 1:17 – Rev 14:18-20 Great Blood flow poured out like dust.

Zephaniah 2
6th Vial of WRATH
(WRATH – 6th Seal & 7th Trumpet)

➥ Zeph 2:3 Instructions for possible survival
➥ Zeph 2:4-6, 8-9, 12-15 Description of Judgment & Destruction of Individual Nations
➥ Zeph 2:7, 9-11 Restoration of “fortunes,” “land” & plunder those who plundered them.

Zephaniah 3
6th & 7th Vial of WRATH
(WRATH – 6th Seal & 7th Trumpet)

➥ Zeph 3:1-4 “City of Oppressors” description Hab 1:5-11.
➥ Zeph 3:6 Past tense “I have cut off nations,” “their cities are destroyed,” 6th & 7th Vials Rev 16:12-16, 17-19, 19:11-21.
➥ Zeph 3:8 6th Vial, Armageddon – Rev 16:12-16, 19:11-21
➥ Zeph 3:9 “purify the lips of the peoples” – Rev 21:27
➥ Zeph 3:11-20 Restoration, encouragement & instruction.

Habakkuk ⇔ Revelation

Habakkuk 1
Rise of the Babylonians
Destruction of Babylon

➥ Amazing Description of the Rise of the Babylonians
➥ Hab 1:5-7 YHWH is “raising up the Babylonians.”
➥ Hab 1:5 Instructions
➥ Habakkuk = Rise of Babylon = Rise of Babylon the Great through “Beast” & “False Prophet” of Revelation 13.
Revelation 13, Daniel 7, 11:31-45, and Nahum Obadiah, are a few other related descriptions.

Habakkuk 2
7th Vial – Fall of Babylon

➥ Hab 2:7-8 How Babylon will fall – Rev 14:8, 18:2, 10, 21
➥ Hab 2:12 built on “Blood” Rev 17:6, 18:24, 19:2, 13 – Also Nahum
➥ Hab 2:16 – Cup of YHWH’s Wrath Rev 16:9, 7th Vial
➥ Hab 2:18-19 – breath to Idol Rev 13:15

Habakkuk 3
Description of Wrath

➥ Hab 3:2  “Wrath6th Seal & 7th Trumpet Rev 6:16-17, 11:18, 14:19-20, 15:1
➥ Hab 3:6 “plague” & “pestilence” – 7th Vial Rev 16:21 (earlier 9:18, 6:8)
➥ Hab 3:6 “shook the Nations” – 7th Vial Rev 16:19, 19:15
➥ Hab 3:6, 10 “eternal mountains scattered” – 6th Seal & 7th Vial Rev 6:14, 16:20
➥ Hab 3:8 “wrath against rivers” – Rev 16:4, 12 (earlier 8:10, 9:14-15)
➥ Hab 3:8,15 “indignation against the sea” – Rev 16:3, 21:1 (earlier 8:8-9)
➥ Hab 3:8, 15 “rode on your horses”  6th Vial, Armageddon, Rev 19:11, 14-15 (earlier Rev 6:2, 9:7-9, 17-19)
➥ Hab 3:9 “bow, calling for many arrows” Deut 32:42, Song of Moses, (earlier Deut 32:23-25, Eze 5:16-17, Rev 6:2, 4, 5, 8)
➥ Hab 3:9 “split the earth with rivers”  7th Vial, Rev 16:19, Zech 14:4, 8
➥ Hab 3:11 “sun & moon stood still” Rev 6:12 (different)
➥ Hab 3:16 “quietly wait‘  Rev 2:2, 19, 3:10, 13:10, 14:12
➥ Hab 3:16 “People who invade us.” Rev 2:10, 6:11, 11:2, 13:7, 15-17, 16:4-6, 17:6
➥ Hab 3:17 “fig tree…not blossom” no fruit, olive fails, no food, no flock or heard – Seal 2-4 says 1/4 earth is killed in part to famine – Rev 6:5-6, 8. And Trumpets 1-4 are Specifically designed to diminish global food production Rev 8:7-9, 10-12. This is exponentially worsened in the 7 Vials of Wrath where the former quantity of 1/4 in the 4th Seal and 1/3 in Trumpets 1-4 (except ALL grass burnt in 1st Trumpet) changes to 100% in the 7 Vials of Wrath. At this time, food production will be a Habakkuk says in vs 17.
➥ Hab 3:18-19 This needs to be the mindset for believers alive at this time!

Nahum ⇔ Revelation

Nahum 1

➥ Nahum 1:3 “Wrath” Rev 6:16-17, 11:18, 14:10, 19, 15:1, 7, 16:1,19, 19:15
➥ Nahum 1:3  “whirlwind” & “Storm”  6th Seal Rev 7:1
➥ Nahum 1:5  “Mountains quake” “hills melt” “earth Heaves” – 6th Seal & 7th Vial Rev 6:14, 16:20
➥ Nahum 1:6 “Who can stand”  6th Seal Rev 6:16
➥ Nahum 1:6 “Wrath poured out like fire” Rev 14:10, 14:18, 16:8, 17:16, 18:8, 19:12, 20, 20:9-10, 14,-15, 21:8, 8:5, 7, 8, 9:17-18, 11:5
➥ Nahum 1:12 “though I have afflicted you” – Feast of Affliction – Matt 24:9, 21,29 – Rev 1:9, 2:9, 2:10, 6:11, 7:14, 13:7, 10, 17:6, 20:4.
➥ Nahum 1 “Keep your Feasts
Feast of Trumpets fulfilled in 7 Trumpets of Revelation 8-11, Rev 8:2, 7, 8, 10, 12, 9:1, 13, 11:15
Feast of Atonement or Affliction – fulfilled during Great Tribulation or Great Affliction Matt 24:9, 21,29 – Rev 1:9, 2:9, 2:10, 6:11, 7:14, 13:7, 10, 17:6, 20:4.
Feast of Tabernacles or Booths fulfilled for:
144,000 at Rev 11:15, 18, 12:5, 1 Cor 15:52, 1 Thess 4:16-18, 12:5, Isa 66:8-10
Great Multitude at Rev 7:14-17, 11:15, 18
The resurrection of the Dead at Rev 20:5
New Earth –  Rev 21:2-4, New Jerusalem
➥ Nahum 1:15 ‘he is utterly cut off” – Rev 16:19-21, 14:18-20

Nahum 2
Babylon Plundered – 7th Vial

➥ Nahum 2:2 Restoration
➥ Nahum 2:9 “Plunder” the treasure Rev 17:16, 18:8, 16-17
➥ Nahum 2:13 “voice of your messengers no longer heard” Rev 22:23

Nahum 3
Babylon Destroyed – 7th Vial

➥ Nahum 3:1 “Bloody City” Rev 17:7, 18:24, 19:2
➥ Nahum 3:4 “countless whoring of the prostitute” “betrays Nations with her whorings,” Rev 17:2, 18:3
➥ Nahum 3:16 “increased your merchants more than the stars of heaven,” Rev 18:3, 9, 11-20.

Ezekiel ⇔ Revelation

Ezekiel ⇔ Revelation
➥ Ezekiel 1:1-3 = Babylon Captivity = Rev 13:10, Luke 21:24, Dan 11:33 – Future Captivity by Babylon the Great in Rev 17-19
➥ Ezekiel 2-3 = Instructions, Marching Orders & Encouragement for Scroll Eaters or Watchmen! Revelation 10 comes in part from Ezekiel 2-3. Compare Eze 2:9 with Rev 10:8 & Eze 3:1-3 with Rev 10:9-11.
➥ Ezekiel 5:12, 17, 6:11-12, 7:15, 12:16, 14:21 Sword, Famine & Pestilence = 2nd, 3rd & 4th Seals of Rev 6:4-8 in addition to how YHWH will Refine those that claim to be in covenant with Him.
➥ Ezekiel 7 WOW! Amazing Description of YHWH’s Day of Wrath! – Rev 16
➥ Ezekiel 8 – Reasons for Wrath = “Abominations of Israel”
Ezekiel 8:3 “Image of Jealously”
Ezekiel 8:9-13 Leaders “Idolatry”
Ezekiel 8:14 “weeping for Tammuz”
Ezekiel 8:16-18 “worshiping the sun”
➥ Ezekiel 9:4-6 Process of Angelic Harvest. Satin marks His people (666) and YHWH marks His. Rev 14:14-18
➥ Ezekiel 11:4:4 – Rev 10:11. Ezekiel 4:4-13 contains YHWH’s future words to be spoken at the time of Rev 10:4 which is placed in the time of the 6th Trumpet.
➥ Ezekiel 11:17-21 Covenant & Feast of Tabernacles
Feast of Tabernacles or Booths fulfilled for:
144,000 at Rev 11:15, 18, 1 Cor 15:52, 1 Thess 4:16-18, 12:5, Isa 66:8-10
Great Multitude at Rev 7:14-17, 11:15, 18
The resurrection of the Dead at Rev 20:5
New Earth through New Jerusalem at Rev 21:2-4.
➥ Ezekiel 12:24-25, 26-28 “the fulfillment of every vision,” “no more delay” Rev 10:5-7. WOW!
➥ Ezekiel 13:1 “prophesy against the prophets of Israel” Eze 13:17 women included – Rev 10:11.
➥ Ezekiel 14:9-11 False prophets & those that listen to false prophets are punished equally.
➥ Ezekiel 14:12-21 Only the Righteous will survive including children.
➥ Ezekiel 16:35-44 YHWH Judges His whoring adulteress people. Eze 16:63 is the YHWH process of Atonement.
➥ Ezekiel 18:26-30 YHWH’s Standard of Judgment – “according to his ways” – Rev 2:2, 5-6, 19, 22-23, 26, 3:1-2, 8, 15.
➥ Ezekiel 20:47-48 Similar to Trumpet 1, Rev 8:7
➥ Ezekiel 21:1-12, Amazing List of Reasons for Destruction
➥ Ezekiel 23:14-18, Israel’s prostitution with Babylon
➥ Ezekiel 24:14 “Time has come” “Judged according to your conduct and actions, Rev 2:2, 5-6, 19, 22-23, 26, 3:1-2, 8, 15
➥ Ezekiel 25-33 Specific Reasons for Judgments against Specific Nations described.
(Reason for Judgments against individual nations is also described at length and in more detail in Isaiah 13-34).
➥ Ezekiel 33:1-16 Judgment against Bad Shepherds scattering, plundering & neglecting the flock.
➥ Ezekiel 34:22-30 Beautiful Restoration
➥ Ezekiel 35:6 Destruction for Thought Crime of not hating Blood Shed.
➥ Ezekiel 1:1, 3, 3:15, 10:15, 20, 22, 11:24, 12:13, 16:29, 17:12, 16, 20, 19:9, 21:19, 21, 23:14-16, 23:23 23, 24:2, 26:7, 29:18-19, 30:10, 30:24-25, 32:11, 43:3. = Babylon = Future Babylon the Great in Revelation 17-19.
➥ Ezekiel 37:1-14 = 1,000 Year Reign – Resurrection of Dead. = Rev 20:13
➥ Ezekiel 38 & 39 = 1,000 Year Reign – Gog of Magog Details – Rev 20:7-10.
➥ Ezekiel 38:18-22 “Gog,” Rev 20:7-10
➥ Ezekiel 39:11 Gog is given a burial, Rev 20:10
➥ Ezekiel 39:28-29 After Satan (Gog) is buried, YHWH pours out Spirit on the house of Israel. (Compare Joel 2:28) Rev 20:5.
➥ Ezekiel 40-47 = Plans for 1,000 Year Reign Temple Built on Earth.
➥ Ezekiel 40:4 “pay attention,” listen carefully,” Eze 43:10-11, “describe the temple,” “write it down” Eze 44:5 “look carefully, listen closely and give attention to everything”
➥ Ezekiel 43:7-9 Tabernacle Fulfillment
➥ Ezekiel 47 1-12 River of water of life, Rev 22:1-2
➥ Ezekiel 47:12 “leaves for healing” Rev 22:1-2.
➥ Ezekiel 47-48 = Future Land Division as Inheritance around the 1,000 Year Reign Temple.

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Key to Understanding the Book of Revelation

Genesis ⇔ Revelation

➥ Gen 1:22, 28 5:2 “Blessings
➥ Gen 2:7 – Tree of Life – Rev 2:7, 22:2, 14, 19
➥ Gen 3:15 – The 1st Prophesy – Rev 17:6, 20:2, 10
➥ Gen 3:17 “Cursed” ground for disobedience, Rev 22:3, This is the Theme of the Entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. YHWH Presents 2 options, Blessings or Curses. See Leviticus 26 & Deuteronomy 27-32.
➥ Gen 4:3-4, 2 Brothers – 1 offering pleasing, 1 offering rejected, Matt 10:21-22, 34-39, Mark 13:12-13
➥ Gen 6-9 – Noah & Flood – Matt 24:37-38
Massive Population Reduction with few survivors in covenant with YHWH – Repeat but next time destruction by fire.2 Peter 3:5-7.
➥ Gen 9:1 “Blessed”
➥ Gen 11:4-6 Tower of Babel – New World Order or Global Government Revelation 13:8
➥ Gen 12:3 “All the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Rev 1:3, 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6, 22:7, 14.
➥ Gen 15:13-14 Pattern of Judging Nations to free covenant people who plunder their captors upon deliverance. In the Future YHWH’s covenant people will be delivered from captivity by Babylon the Great. Jer 16:14-15, Isa 49:22-23, Rev 3:8
➥ Gen 17:1-8 “Father of a multitude of Nations” 6th Seal Rev 7:9-11
“kings shall come from you” Rev 5:9-10, 7:3-8
➥ Gen 19:23-24, 28 “Fire,” “Sulfur” “Smoke,” only other time these words are used in combination is in the 6th Trumpet at Rev 9:17-19 – “Kill 1/3rd.
➥ Gen 19:26 Lot’s wife looked back, Luke 17:26-31
➥ Gen 22:15-18 Abraham’s Sacrifice of His Firstborn Son Foreshadows YHWH’s Sacrifice of His Firstborn Son, Yahshua. John 3:16.
➥ Gen 25 Jacob & Esau – 2 Divided Nations –  Matt 10:21-22, 34-39, Mark 13:12-13
➥ Gen 28:12, 17 Jacob’s Dream – “Gate of Heaven” “House of God” Ezekiel 48:31-34 Rev 21:12-15, 21, 25, 22:14
➥ Gen 40:8 – “Do not Interpretations belong to God?” Rev 10:7, 2 Peter 1:19-21.
➥ Gen 2 Gen 49:8-10 “Judah” “Lion” “Obedience of Nations” Rev 5:5, Psa 2:9, Rev 2:27, 12:5, 19:15
➥ Gen 48 Blessing Manasseh & Ephraim, Genesis 49 Blessings for 12 Sons, The 12 Tribes of Israel – Rev 7:3-8, 9-10, Rev 21:12-14

Exodus ⇔ Revelation

➥ Exo 1:7 – “Blessing” Gen 1:28
➥ Exo 5:15 “Heart grew hard” Rev 9:20-21, 16:9
➥ Exo 7-11 The 10 Plagues delivering Israel from Slavery, Rev 15-16 – 7 Vials of Wrath Delivering the “Great Multitude” from “Great Tribulation”  Rev 7:14 & Babylon the Great.

➥ Exo 15 Israel singing “Horse & his rider He has thrown into the Sea,” 6th Vial Armageddon Rev 19:17-18
➥ Exo 15 “Lord Reigns as King” – Rev 11:17, 19:6
➥ Ezo 16-18 Israel Complains after being delivered from slavery – Hab 3:16-18
➥ Exo 19:5-6 Priests & Kings, Rev 1:6, 5:10, 20:6
➥ Exo 19-24 Covenant extends to a Nation – Israel
➥ Exo 25:8 Sanctuary to Dwell amongNEW JERUSALEM Rev 21:2-4
➥ Exo 25:31-40 Lampstand, Rev 1:13, 20
➥ Exo 25:10-22 Ark Rev 19:20
➥ Exo 27:1-7 Brazen Altar Rev 9:13-15
➥ Exo 28:15-21, 29 Ephod, 12 Stones12 Foundations of New Jerusalem, Rev 21:14, 17-20.
➥ Exo 30:1-8 Altar of Incense, Rev 8:5, 14:8
➥ Exo 30:1-8, 34-38 Incense, Rev 5:8, 8:3
➥ Exo 32:8, 26-29 – Judgment for Idolatry Rev 2:14-16, 20-23, 9:20, 17:14

Leviticus 23
YHWH’s 3 Final Spring Feasts Fulfilled in Revelation

Feast of Trumpets ⇔ 7 Trumpets of Revelation

➥ Lev 23:24-25 Feast of Trumpets fulfilled in 7 Trumpets of Revelation 8-11, Rev 8:2, 7, 8, 10, 12, 9:1, 13, 11:15

Feast of Atonement ⇔ Great Tribulation – 3.5 Years

➥ Lev 23:27-32 Day of Atonement, or Feast of Atonement or Affliction,
fulfilled during Great Tribulation or Great Affliction
Matt 24:9, 21,29 – Rev 1:9, 2:9, 2:10, 6:11, 7:14, 13:7, 10, 17:6, 20:4.
Blood Sacrifice – Rev 9:13-15,  14:17-20

Feast of Tabernacles ⇔ Revelation – Firstfruits, Great Multitude & Resurrection

➥ Lev 23:34-44 Feast of Tabernacles or Booths fulfilled for:
144,000 at Rev 11:15, 18, 12:5, 1 Cor 15:52, 1 Thess 4:16-18, 12:5, Isa 66:8-10
Great Multitude at Rev 7:14-17, 11:15, 18
The resurrection of the Dead at Rev 20:5
New Earth –  Rev 21:2-4, New Jerusalem

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Key to Understanding the Book of Revelation

“Song of Moses”
Sung in Deuteronomy 32
& Re-Sung at Revelation 15:3

The “SONG OF MOSES” is a very important piece of the Puzzle in understanding Bible Prophesy.

The “SONG OF MOSES” COMBINES THE LANGUAGE of Seals 1,2,3,4,5,6, & 7 with Trumpets 1,2,5,6 & 7, & Bowls 2,3,6 & 7 in just 7 verses! WOW!

All 7 Seals can be found in the “Song of Moses”
Here is their Location:
Seal 1 – Deut 32:23, 41-42 (Explains missing ARROWS for Seal 1)
Seal 2 – Deut 32:25
Seal 3 – Deut 32:24
Seal 4 – Deut 32:24
Seal 5 – Deut 32:43
Seal 6 – Deut 32:41-42
Seal 7 – Deut 32:22-23, 24, 41-42

YHWH gives emphasis to the “SONG OF MOSES” in Revelation 15:3 where those victorious over the Beast & the Image are SINGING the SONG of MOSES.

The “SONG OF MOSES” concludes the “BLESSINGS & CURSES” recorded in Deuteronomy 27-32. It was and is the REVELATION of the TORAH.
It is one of the earlier places where God has”made known the END FROM the BEGINNING.” (Isaiah 46:9).

These 5 Chapters are one of several amazing examples of a PARALLEL PROPHESY TO REVELATION concluding with “The SONG OF MOSES”.

In Revelation 15:3 it says,
“They SING THE SONG OF MOSES, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb.”

May you JOIN the HEAVENS in SINGING The SONG OF MOSES in fulfillment of the Revelation of Jesus Christ!

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7 Seals,Seven Seals,Matthew 24,Deuteronomy 32,Song of Moses,Revelation 15,Blessings,Curses,Plagues,first seal,second seal,third,seal,fourth seal,fifth seal,sixth seal,seventh seal, 1st Trumpet,2nd Trumpet,Book of Revelation,Revelation of Jesus Christ,Four horsemen,Apocalypse,War,Sword,famine,hunger,pestilence,disease,wild beast,wrath,lord's day,second coming,end times,last days,comparison,7 Trumpets,Fire Kindled,Fire mountains,mountain into see,7 Seals in Song of Moses,Song og Moses Lyrics,Sing the Song of Moses,Rev 15:3,Revelation 15:3,What is the Song of Moses,Exodus 15,7 Seals Song of Moses Comparison,Fire from altar,All green grass burnt,third trees burnt,third ships destroyed,mega tsunami,Drought,geoengineering,third sea creatures died,third sea blood,white horse, bow, crown,arrows,God’s arrows,my arrows,red horse,take peace away,black horse,scales,famine,food ration,death & hades,kill fourth

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All 7 Seals in Matthew 24 & Deuteronomy 32 Comparison!
God Tells us 3 Times!
Key to Understanding the Book of Revelation

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7 Seals,Seven Seals,Matthew 24,Deuteronomy 32,Song of Moses,Revelation 15,Blessings,Curses,Plagues,first seal,second seal,third,seal,fourth seal,fifth seal,sixth seal,seventh seal, 1st Trumpet,2nd Trumpet,Book of Revelation,Revelation of Jesus Christ,Four horsemen,Apocalypse,War,Sword,famine,hunger,pestilence,disease,wild beast,wrath,lord's day,second coming,end times,last days,comparison,7 Trumpets,Fire Kindled,Fire mountains,mountain into see,7 Seals in Song of Moses,Song og Moses Lyrics,Sing the Song of Moses,Rev 15:3,Revelation 15:3,What is the Song of Moses,Exodus 15,7 Seals Song of Moses Comparison,Fire from altar,All green grass burnt,third trees burnt,third ships destroyed,mega tsunami,Drought,geoengineering,third sea creatures died,third sea blood,white horse, bow, crown,arrows,God’s arrows,my arrows,red horse,take peace away,black horse,scales,famine,food ration,death & hades,kill fourth

THE SONG OF MOSES | Deuteronomy Ch 32:22-25, 41-42

22 For a FIRE is kindled by my ANGER (7 Trumpets opening vision),
And shall burn to the lowest grave;
23 ‘I will heap DISASTERS on them;
I will spend my ARROWS (Seal 1) on them.
24 They shall be wasted with HUNGER (Seal 3 & 4),
Devoured by PESTILENCE (Seal 4)
and bitter destruction;
I will also send against them the TEETH of BEASTS(Seal 4),
with the POISON OF SERPENTS OF DUST (Trumpet 5 & 6).
25 The SWORD (Seal 2 & 4) shall destroy outside;
there shall be TERROR within for the young man and virgin, the nursing child with the man of gray hairs…….
41 If I whet My glittering SWORD, & My hand takes hold on JUDGMENT (Seal 5, 6, Trumpet 7 & Vial 6 – Armageddon)
I will render VENGEANCE to My enemies (seal 5 part fulfillment),
and repay those who hate Me.
42 I will make My ARROWS (Seal 1) drunk with blood,
And My SWORD shall devour flesh,
with the blood of the slain and the captives,
from the heads of the leaders of the enemy
(Seal 6, Trumpet 7 & Bowl 6 -Armageddon).
” ‘ 43 “Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people;
for He will AVENGE the blood of His servants
(Seal 5 part fulfillment, Seal 6, Trumpet 7 & Bowl 2, 3, 6 & 7),
and render VENGEANCE to His adversaries;
He will provide ATONEMENT for His land and His people.”
Deuteronomy 32: 22-25, 41-43 “Song of Moses” -sung at Rev 15:3

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